What To Expect

What To Expect

Feeling nervous about coming to counseling? You are not alone. At Creative Family Wellness, we understand the discomfort in the unknown. It is a BIG DEAL to make the choice to come to counseling. Just visiting this website, you’ve taken the first step in working towards the best version of yourself. Give yourself a pat on the back for wanting better for yourself, family, and/or loved one. We think it’s helpful to share with you some of what you can expect from counseling services.

Our Intentions

While we are the experts in treating mental health symptoms and improving communication and intimacy in relationships, YOU are the expert of YOU. This is why we view treatment as a partnership. We use evidence-based theory and intervention (the stuff that makes for best practice) but want to incorporate what works for you as an individual. You and your counselor will spend time the first session not only talking about your symptoms, but also your strengths. Taking into account your personal preferences, talents, and interests goes a long way in making the best progress in treatment. Also, we do not judge you. It is sometimes our job to confront unhealthy or harmful behaviors or thinking, but we have an unconditional positive regard for you as an individual.

First Session

While we are the experts in treating mental health symptoms and improving communication and intimacy in relationships, YOU are the expert of YOU. This is why we view treatment as a partnership. We use evidence-based theory and intervention (the stuff that makes for best practice) but want to incorporate what works for you as an individual. You and your counselor will spend time the first session not only talking about your symptoms, but also your strengths. Taking into account your personal preferences, talents, and interests goes a long way in making the best progress in treatment. Also, we do not judge you. It is sometimes our job to confront unhealthy or harmful behaviors or thinking, but we have an unconditional positive regard for you as an individual.

Future Session

The frequency of appointments and duration of treatment varies and depends on many factors. You and your counselor can talk about this more when developing a treatment plan together.

Play and music are often used in sessions with children and adolescents. Play within the session is therapeutic and intentional. Games and other play are utilized with the plan to teach specific skills, process emotion, or model healthy behaviors and coping. Music is paired with Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), an evidenced-based practice.

Homework is regularly given as something to complete, practice, or think about between sessions. The more work you do outside of the counseling office, the more likely you are to find symptom relief.